Call of Duty 4

Call of Duty 4 - visuals are very nice and the storyline is very engaging but the game just isn't long enough! Finished it today on 'regular' level in 12 hours. I'm not exactly the queen on FPSs so I guess that means that the game is way too short.


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Pat from Canvey's picture

Does that include comfort breaks?

And here I was thinking you were spending all your time working or planning your dissertation! Happy birthday for Thursday in case your card doesn't arrive in time. I notice you don't have it circled on your calendar. Keeping quiet about growing older are we...Ha Ha.

kat's picture

Yes that includes comfort

Yes that includes comfort breaks! Thanks for the birthday wishes. Too be honest I've now got the end of year blues. I only have 2 weeks left in the office including this week given holidays and courses and I can't wait for them to be over. I had a really depressing performance review with my manager last week where he stated that I hadn't done enough varied work to go for my next promotion boarding as I stand now. Trouble is that what I work on is controlled by my manager so I'm in a bit of a catch 22. I can't really do anything to 'fix' it apart from nag my manager to transfer me onto another project which is not realistically going to happen. I think there is a pretty good chance that I am the last person from my graduate intake to go up a grade which is mucho depressing. Hopefully next year will be better - there may even be a change in job role which could be a good thing or a bad thing. I really need this MSc to be finished as well. I'm starting to get to the 'I've had enough' point and there's still at least 9 months to go of hard work.

Oh well, that's my sob story ;-) Back to the grind.... too much (company) work to do and not enough time to do it! ;-)

andym's picture

I take it you've updated

I take it you've updated your computer then ;-)
those are some serious some affects to render - what are you running?
hope you're well kitty;

kat's picture


I've updated my computer system. I spent quite a bit of money on it so that it would have good performance for my generating my panoramic photos. I also invested in a nice monitor which is the most visible addition ;-). Still, give it a bit and it'll all be low spec again ;-)